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Fitness, Yoga & Health CDs & DVDs
Heart of Healing Stretching DVD
Fifteen exercises that have been proven to stretch 95% of your muscles, only take about 15-20 minutes and you come away calm and quiet. Read more...
Carol Tuttle Clearing The Issues That Are Keeping You Fat
This amazing technique allows you to become a partner with your body and let it help you; instead of hinder you in your goal to lose weight. Read more...
Carol Tuttle How To Create Better Health CD
An amazingly simple, but powerful technique that allows your body to do what it really wants to do: be healthy! Read more...
Wailana Little Yogis Volume 1
An easy, fun, colorful and imaginative way to encourage kids to exercise using yoga postures themed to an animal or a simple story. Read more...
Wailana Little Yogis Volume 2
Continues to teach more poses in the same easy, fun, colorful and imaginative way as the first Little Yogis volume. Read more...
Hoxsey: How Healing Becomes A Crime directed by Ken Ausubel
In 1924, Harry Hoxsey claimed a cure for cancer, medical authorities branded Hoxsey the worst quack of the century. So began a medical war continuing to this day. Read more...