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How To Create Better Health CD Carol Tuttle
In 54 minutes, you can give your body permission to be well! You can learn how to speak to your body so that you and it only allow health and wellness…it’s an amazingly simple, but powerful technique that allows your body to do what it really wants to do: be healthy!
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a simple method of tapping on various body points (top of your head, forehead, under your eyes, chin, etc.) while repeating certain phrases. By tapping, you are in essence, getting your body to pay attention to you. Tap and say certain phrases that allow your negative beliefs that are causing ill-health to leave. Tap and say certain phrases and allow new and positives beliefs into your body, creating energy, wholeness, vitality and health.
This CD takes you step-by-step through where and how to tap, and what to say when you do. It’s easy, and EFT has proven results with hundreds of people. Don’t worry about how it will be done…you body knows what to do when you are working WITH it, instead of against it. All you have to do is partner with your body, and it will work with you to be totally healthy.
Imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking “I’m fat!” You have just told your body to give you more of it. Your body believes what you tell it…and supplies it to you. “I’m tired. I can’t sleep. My hair’s a mess. I’m getting arthritis. I can’t concentrate. My nails look terrible. I’m getting old.” Whatever you tell your body, it will comply and give you more! Learn to let go of the negative thoughts, and to replace them with positive ones…and by ‘tapping into your body’, you have the perfect means with which to heal and be well.
Simple, easy to follow and very thought provoking, this CD shows us how we sabotage our own health, and what to do to turn our thoughts and results around. We love this approach and CD: this is a Pure approach to health!
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