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Remembering Wholeness
by Carol Tuttle
There are 334 pages in this large, soft cover book and on every one of them, you will find some sort of insight, message, new meaning, direction or explanation of how to live your life more fully and happily.
Remembering Wholeness, A Personal Handbook for Thriving in the 21st Century discusses finding out what your purpose is in life, how your team of personal angels can help you attain your dreams, what personal and universal powers you can tap into and how to do it, and how to let go of the negative thinking and programming that is keeping you stuck.
Not just a book about ‘thinking the right thoughts’, this book gives step by step explanations of how to become happy and in charge of your life…rather than your life being in charge of you. The information is made simple by also giving real life examples of other’s stumbling blocks and their ultimate success.
Here are a few of the steps discussed on just two pages of the book:
1. Reduce negativity with an energy clearing session
2. Ask your angels to manifest your desires: they are your unemployed team waiting to help you!
3. Play the ‘Act As If’ game by acting as if you already possess your desires
4. Play the ‘Something Exciting Is About To Happen To Me’ game and allow yourself to feel goose bumps of anticipation for the upcoming positive changes in your life
5. Speak your desires into an ‘Energy Circle’ and then step into the circle, bathing in your positive words
6. Take an energy walk or run and repeat your positives with more and more feeling and belief as you move along.
7. Stop talking about what you don’t want and talk more about what you do want.
8. Make a list of things that comprise your ideal life. Everyday, imagine, as if they were already real, many of the desires on your list.
9. Choose to be happy rather than right
10. Ask God to energize your faith so you can attract into your life what you desire.
There are 60 chapters in this book, each one only 2-4 pages long. Pick up the book anywhere, and read a quick chapter for just a few minutes: each chapter has something positive to offer that you can take with you that day. Or, read this book cover to cover: it is guaranteed to keep you spellbound, and help you to look at yourself and the world more positively.
Not a daily meditation, but a handbook on how to find yourself, realize your dreams and desires and walk in happiness, this is a thought provoking, interesting guide that you will pick up again and again, and even give to others.
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