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Clearing The Issues That Are Keeping You Fat Carol Tuttle
If you have ever believed that there has got to be a better way to losing weight, and keeping it off than counting calories, sweating in a gym and feeling deprived, then you need to listen to this.
Carol Tuttle who is well-known for her successful use of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), takes you step-by step through letting go of your all your negative emotions: about your body, about food, about exercise and your feelings of failure - to instilling positive feelings of success and control.
In a little over an hour you follow complete instructions that involve tapping on various points on your body (your forehead, under your eyes, your collarbone, your heart, etc.) while repeating certain phrases. One set of phrases removes the negative issues that you have concerning your body and food, and another set of phrases instills in you positive feelings about your body, weight, exercise and food.
On this CD, Carol is instructing a large group of people in reprogramming their beliefs, and it is easy for you to follow along. Step-by-step, you are told where to tap and what to say as you do. At first, you may wonder how this is all going to work, but soon you see the logic of the process and actually feel the difference: out go the negatives, and in go the positives.
Think of it: every time you look in the mirror and say to yourself: “I’m fat!” your body is listening. It believes you, and since you are ‘all-powerful’, it gives you more! For every negative that you think about and say…your body will listen and give you more of what you believe yourself to be.
Carol herself and hundreds of other people have gone from being overweight, hating exercise, being uncomfortable in their bodies and using food for emotional issues, to being fit, lean and happy. Your body knows what to do, what weight is right for you, and how to accomplish weight loss. This amazing technique allows you to become a partner with your body and let it help you; instead of hinder you in your goal to lose weight. What do you have to lose….except the weight? In just a little over an hour of your time you could change your weight, your outlook and your beliefs…and reveal the slender and healthy person that’s been there all along. We love this method!
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