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Sarawak Creamy White Peppercorns Salt Traders
If it irritates you that Japan and Europe have been enjoying the best of the best white pepper in the world, and that this peppercorn was rarely seen in the United States because Americans were considered to not appreciate fine pepper…then be irritated no more!
Now you too can experience this creamy white peppercorn and revel in its distinctive taste, appearance and bite!
This peppercorn starts out the same as a black peppercorn, but rather than being dried with the outer shell on, this pepper berry is collected in barrels and has a continuous supply of fresh mountain spring water circulating over the berries for almost two weeks. The outer shell is rubbed off, the berries are dried and the inferior berries are discarded. Voila: the creamy white berry is revealed and is prized as the best of the best in white peppercorns!
The aroma of this berry is very distinctive. I agree with another writer who says that you sniff and sniff, and each time you discover another fragrance hidden in the peppercorns. At first, the aroma is earthy, then it’s peppery, then it’s like vanilla and then woody. The flavor though is wine-like with a hint of balsamic; rich, full …and hot.
This is the peppercorn that heats up Southeast Asia and Eastern European dishes. Perfect in soups, stews, potatoes, pasta, and fish this is the peppercorn that adds that dash of heat without getting lost in the richness of other spices. A popular use of this peppercorn is to mix it with a robust and pungent peppercorn like the Tellicherry…and to use it in pepper steak recipes. We used it in copious amounts in a rub for fresh tuna and loved the Zingy results. We even snuck it into our sushi for a dash of heat without the use of wasabi. Of course, when the flavor of pepper is required, but the dish is pale and would be spoiled by black flecks, this is the peppercorn to reach for!
A favorite of the Pure Zing team is Vichyssoise. Pale, icy cold and incredibly smooth, this sublime summer soup is the perfect place for this peppercorn. A grinding of this pepper gives this soup the bite and lift it needs to prevent blandness, and yet it does not mar the beauty of the pristine cream color with black flecks.
Don’t let Japan and Europe have all the pepper fun and appreciation! Be sure and have a jar of these Zingy creamy white peppercorns on your pantry shelf for when black peppercorns just won’t do.
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