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Freeze Framer Heart Math
It has been scientifically proven that your thoughts and breathing affect your heart rate, and your heart rate affects your health and well-being. This program allows you to not only see your heart rate, but teaches you to take control of it, calming it and becoming serene.
Sound incredible? This easy to use program uses a fingertip pulse sensor, and a series of visual games on your computer screen to literally show you how you can control your heart rhythm with your thoughts and breathing.
Put the fingertip sensor on, and then turn on the Meadow Game. You will learn that with calm thoughts and ‘heart-centered breathing’, you can make the sun rise, or stop rising. In the Rainbow Game, your breathing and heart rate control how much gold flows down the rainbow and fills the pot at the bottom. The Balloon Game is the most challenging but fun in that the calmness of your heart rate lifts a balloon into the air and floats it over trees, walls and buildings. If the plane flying by bothers you and your heart rate increases, the balloon starts descending, and you might hit a wall or a cow!
We spoke of ‘heart-centered breathing.’ That is the core of control. Instead of your mind or your lungs being independent of each other and the rest of your body, you learn to center every thought and breath as if it were centered and coming from your heart. When you master this step, you will see the results in not only the games on your computer screen, but in the progress charts that show the smoothness and evenness of your heart rate. This control helps you stay in the ‘Zone.’ The Zone is when you are at your most serene, and most in control of your emotions and heart rhythm. By using the games and watching on the screen how the balloon rises or falls according to your thoughts and breath control, you can literally see how even small, daily occurrences can affect your heart, emotions and serenity: the baby crying, the soup boiling over, missing an important call, a flat tire, a speeding ticket, a bounced check or a slammed door.
At first, our team had members whose balloon soared, and members who could barely get the balloon off the ground. Regardless of the balloon’s mobility, each of learned what our bodies felt like when the balloon did move. It took concentration at first, but as each of us practiced, we found that not only could we attain the Zone more easily, but that we could move in and out of it at will. Imagine being able to move into a peaceful and serene state at will, and know that you are truly there!
This type of control can be invaluable in meetings, heavy traffic, during arguments, or when you are under a deadline. Imagine being able to control your emotions and heart rate, and hence your health, when you find out that you will be late to a meeting or appointment? Can you see how it could give you an edge in competitive sports, in creativity, exams, relationships and focus?
This is a fascinating tool that literally shows you your emotional reactions to events. It allows you to train yourself in control of those emotions so that you are more serene and healthy. Devote as little or as much time to the games as you wish, but you will come away from each session with a little more knowledge of where your inner strength and serenity exist, and how you can tap into it.
An amazing, valuable and fun tool for children, parents, executives, teachers, and salespeople: anyone who wants to stay calm in even the most stressful situations. In today’s hectic world, the health, peace and serenity of everyone would be benefited by the ability to truly control our heart rhythms, and hence emotions. This product not only works, it’s PureZing!
For anyone who likes the health benefits of this computer program, but wishes there was a portable version, then be sure and read about the product that fits into your purse or pocket.
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