What do you like most about Pure Zing? Our blog, our reviews, articles, tips? Let us know what YOU think and we’ll put your comments on our site so that others can read YOUR opinion. It’s easy, just fill out the form below and we’ll do the rest.
Our family has been struggling, like so many others, attempting to stretch our food dollar, without ending up eating cardboard. At Pure Zing, we find many affordable, delicious choices we hadn't thought of, or for that matter, even heard of! My families health comes first. With a little assistance from your fun and informative Pure Zing reviews, we eat high quality, chemical free, nutritious items at a fair price. Thanks for guiding us!
Lydia Ennen-Tallby, Des Moines, Iowa
I clean houses for a living and was searching for non-toxic solutions, since (duh!) having been overcome by fumes on a job. One day while reading a Pure Zing review, I spotted the information needed to make environmentally sound cleaning choices. Your 'Pure Home' section of Pure Zing has chemical-free cleaners and related products that I would never have found on my own. I was floored by all the super 'green' products out there! No more toxins for me, thanks to Pure Zing!
Rita Tysert, Salem, Oregon
Even us pet lovers have a cool website to discover what is best for our animals. Pure Zing reviews guide us and provide so much inside information. My pets deserve the best and Pure Zing's reviews show me products I would not have known about. I have spent hours reading all the interesting reviews and following links to pet related items.
Robert Verdane, Bridgeport, Ct
I did not comprehend how lethal the average line of cosmetics is to our skin. My friend and I both purchased items reviewed by Pure Zing and have been shocked at how the cosmetic industry has a gigantic disregard of our health. We are regular customers of all natural, mineral makeup shown on both Pure Zing and i-tryit, along with the delicious, organic food items.
Mary M. Luquest, Boise, Idaho
My sister told us about Pure Zing. She is quite health-conscious and teaching us about eating and living without chemicals-it's not easy! I never realized how many household products, from salt to detergent, are loaded with potentially health endangering toxins! Thanks for leading the way, we all appreciate it!
The Holley Family, Bellingham, Wa
I used to actually believe there really was no difference between organic and conventional products, until reading Pure Zing reviews, articles and links. There are so many topics one can research! We use your 'Guide to Toxin's' alot, it is very convenient and educational.
W. Alasander, Racine, Wi
I like Pure Zing because it's not a website just about food or some other specific product. There is something for every aspect of me and my family's life. I can get tips and information about things I never even thought of! I'm so glad I found Pure Zing!
Thanks again!
Annie Hess
This site is certainly one of the most informative and comprehesive sites I have read on the internet. I have just recently been exploring natural and pure products so this is a big help. I have a grandson who has several allergies and his mother has always had asthma I am very interested in finding items Caleb would like, but would be good for him.
I like to find sites that give me the information I need in concise and detailed information. products. We also enjoy trying new products. Keep up the fantastic reviews!
Sandra Blackford
I appreciate Pure Zing’s reviews because they help me find the best, most innovative, must have products.
I always research products online before buying them,so I value honest reviews.
Allegra Ashley
What I love about Purezing reviews is that they provide so much accurate details about each product they review. They provide full product descriptions, comparisons, pictures and convinient links to purchase the products. I can search reviews easily by catagory to find exactly what I am looking for. Purezing has items for every as aspect of my daily life. Purezing goes out of it’s way to find so many unique products that I have never heard of before. I can also see suggested similar products at the bottom of each review page so I can choose the best product for me among several different products.
Lisa Garner
When you are trying to stick to a budget you want to make the best choices possible. I like the reviews as it helps me to make good choices in the foods I buy and when I know I have made good choices in foods it really makes me feel as if I have accomplished something and reallly helped with stretching the food bill so much further.
Laura Emerson
I discovered this site while searching for a solid and complete toxin guide. Pure Zing's guide is very informative and helpful. My family and I are learning a great deal more about the right kinds of organic food and lifestyle items to select, which are free from man-made toxins.
D. Mc Candless, Los Angeles
Every penny counts! I can hear about a product/service first. I like that!
Polly Gundry
Pure Zing reviews help us to decide which products are healthy for us, as consumers to buy and use. They review the product to make sure it free of chemicals, and additives that harm us, and the environment. They help make it easier to decide which products to buy. I like the reviews, and learn of products that I never knew existed before I read a review. More people would buy these types of products, if they had trusted product reviews to help them.
Patricia Treskovich
I love to read the others’ opinions, especially when it’s something I’m considering buying. Thanks for offering this!
Rachel Fox
My brother and I were surfing for sites that discuss natural and organic products when we found Pure Zing. Your reviews help us make better choices and we have bought several items because we trust your comprehensive recommendations.
Paula Swendor, Bloomington, IN
The product reviews are so helpful to me. I order for various occasions and people, not just for myself, so these reviews give me a better insight on what is appropriate to give as gifts. thank you.
Zing puts out wonderful and useful reviews. The reviews help me learn about natural products and products I would not otherwise think to shop for.
Jennifer Barnett
In my never-ending drive to get my family to think and act like responsible stewards of our planet, I find myself drawn to companies that are environmentally-driven, as well as consumer-focused. Pure Zing is both of these. I enjoy reading the reviews because they’re not dumbed down, and they’re quite comprehensive and, as my kids say, your reviews “keep it real”.
Pure Zing’s reviews are excellent. It’s hard to find people and environment friendly alternatives to the chemical-laden stuff we find everywhere.
I’ve had the most difficult time finding skin and hair care products. I think I’ve read every shampoo and conditioner label on the planet in an attempt to find products that don’t irritate my very sensative skin, don’t have me daydreaming about what cancer or hormonal imbalance I’m cursing myself with while conditioning my hair, and actually work! Thanks to your reviews I think I found the next shampoo and conditioner I’ll try. I’m actually quite confident I’ll like them too!
The reviews are so thorough I feel like I’ve tried the products. Since your reviews include the ingredients I know I’m safe there. I know what the bottle’s like, how the product smells, what it looks and feels like, how to use it, how it worked, etc. And, unlike many reviews I’ve read, they’re pleasant to read. They’re written in such a friendly, conversational style, with a tad of humor now and then, that I feel I’ve been chatting with a knowledgable, literate friend.
I wanted to know about shampoo and conditioner, but our “conversation” was so pleasant, I now have quite a shopping list of skin care products and food to try. Thanks to your reviews, I’m off to go shopping armed with a list of great things I know I’ll like and some to avoid.
I have never been to this site nor do I use natural products. Not because I do not want to, but because I do not have any information on them. Pure Zing just might be the answer to my questions and I can now buy natural and organic products safely.
Ashley Henley
I love a your site and the reviews. They really help me decide on what I buy.
Love the contest too!
Michele Guinsburg
I love that you have a review section all about condiments. I adore condiments and my fridge is full of them.
I appreciate that your reviews are very detailed. Example, I love how you described the bottle down to every detail for W ketchup. I have been wanting to try this ketchup and now know it is the best tasting and organic and made in the USA.
The suggestions at the bottom of the review are wonderful additions. They get me to look at another product that is related in some way to the product I was looking at. One I might not have known about had I not read the previous review. The suggestions at the bottom of W ketchup was for a Perfect Pear Ginger Pear Mustard and A Perfect Pear Wasabi Mustard. Who knew they make mustard with pear in it! Great suggestions.
I like your reviews because you usually answer the questions I’d ask: what’s it made of, why’s that better, what’s the down side, why’s it different?
Your reviews are useful because I can’t be everywere to try everything, and my budget’s limited so while I don’t mind spending a bit more for real goodness, it’s hard to decide what to try and who to trust. Your reviews help me to make the best decisions with my shopping dollars.
And, your reviews are here 24-7, so I can look into things when it’s convenient for me.
Deborah Rosen
Our family is trying to get healthy and stay healthy, while being “green” at the same time. With so many products already in the marketplace, and more coming every day, it’s hard to choose a good one: Does it taste good? Will it do what it says it will? Is it really healthy and/or environmentally friendly? Pure Zing reviews help me figure it out, and that saves me time, trouble, and money. (geekbearinggifts)
What I like about your site is your determination like mine. We are on the verge of redefining the way we live on this earth and need more folks like you to set them straight and educate.
I have learned so much by just reading about the Guide to toxins and dangerous ingredients. It is a must read for every one to educate themselves on all the poisons we deal with everyday. (No more nail polish, coloring my hair, I am going back to my “flower Child” peace, love and understanding days!) It will be websites like this that will make “going green” the hip, important and right thing to do.
I am honored and appreciate to have been chosen as a winner [for the February 2008 Giveaway]! Thank you!
Michele McHenry,
Bellingham, WA
I enjoy trying out new products for organic, healthy living for my family. Luckily, Pure Zing has everything I need -- there's tons of information that's both well organized and very user-friendly!
Mia Fitzgerald, Orlando, FL
I have found very helpful info on your website. I just love it! I must sound like a broken record because I mention your website every chance I get to others. Job well done!
Marcia McQuaig, Saint Augustine, FL
My friend sent me your newsletter and I clicked into your site. I was stunned at the array of natural and organic products that you described. What a timesaver and an eye-opener! Everything explained for me, and all in one place. I’m telling all my friends about you.
Brad Martinson, Austin, TX
You know, you’ve got the best health related articles, CD’s, books and videos, all in one place. It would have taken me hours … if ever, to find it all. You’re a great resource for the latest and the greatest in living a clean lifestyle.
Marge and Linda Tinsley, Milwaukee, WI
I’m in the middle of nowhere. The local store’s concept of natural is ‘lye’. Thanks for being my personal shopper. I now have the most luxurious, natural, organic but unique products delivered right to my door.
Paula Steward, Nowhereville, WY
I love it! You are my new, one-stop shopping web address! I just bought clean meat, raw cheese, organic trail mix, olive oil, candles, a natural body sugar scrub and a non-toxic cleaner. Awesome! Keep it up…I’m your best fan!
Willa Shaw, Seattle, WA
We’re starting our own co-op thanks to Pure Zing. Nothing fancy, but a few families get together and place a large order for meat to save on the shipping, and split some of the cases on tuna and health bars. Everything is the best quality and its fast and easy to eat healthier now.
Grable, Fortunati and Hesper families, Glenview, IL
I can’t tell you how many jars, bottles and pots of makeup I have gone through in my life…always looking for something that doesn’t make me break out or fade away. I don’t know how you did it, but thanks for recommending makeup that is natural, safe, and makes me look great!
Belinda Kauffler, Davis, CA
So I poured my first cup of Java Juice this afternoon. Verdict: AMAZING! Whollopingly excellent brew of the gods. This is truly extraordinary. You guys are the saviors for all campers into the High Sierras who have had to diminish their spectacular mountain experiences and wanderlust to live with the coffee swill of those instant packages. I hope Winona Lodge at the base of Yosemite has your mighty beverage. Absolutely remarkable! World Class. As good as it gets! Bravo Bravissimo! I am going to try Java Juice Vietnamese style and believe it will be the mostinsanely great beverage on the planet. Yowee!
Lisa Thorell, Windemere, Florida

I can’t tell you how many jars, bottles and pots of makeup I have gone through in my life…always looking for something that doesn’t make me break out or fade away. I don’t know how you did it, but thanks for recommending makeup that is natural, safe, and makes me look great!
Belinda Kauffler, Davis, CA
Wanted you to know (and everyone else) that I am having great success with the SleepSlim method. Weight problems really do begin and end with the mind. If someone else out there needs to lose weight, this could be the solution for you, like it has finally been for me.
Janna Wilmington, Dallas, TX
I have been visiting Pure Zing a lot recently and want to let you how much I love and appreciate the site. Also, your e-newsletters are great and I look forward to getting them -- I especially liked the 2007 Top Ten Eco-Lifestyle products list and read it immediately. I'm probably sounding over the top, but I spend a lot of time on the net and from a comparative perspective Pure Zing is one of the best.
Joan Cavanagh