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Contains MSG or Converts to MSG when Processed
MSG is an excitotoxin: an ingredient known to cause nerve damage by overexciting nerves. This is exactly how MSG enhances the taste of foods: by overexciting the taste buds on the tongue.
Note: when you see the following words on any ingredient label, it is essentially, another name for MSG
Soy protein, Soy protein concentrate, Textured Soy protein
Anything protein fortified
Anything fermented
When any product contains 79% free glutamic acid with the balance being made up of salt, moisture, and up to 1 per cent contaminants, the product is called Monosodium Glutamate.
The second way of producing MSG is through breakdown of protein. A protein can be broken into its constituent amino acids by autolysis, hydrolysis, enzymolysis, and/or fermentation.
There are over 40 food ingredients besides Monosodium Glutamate that contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG). Each, according to the FDA, must be called by its common name:
Autolyzed yeast
Sodium caseinate
Soy sauce, etc.
These are the common or usual names of some ingredients that contain MSG. Unlike the ingredient called Monosodium Glutamate, they give the consumer no clue that there is MSG in the ingredient.
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