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Microwave Madness

Seventeen Little-Known Effects Of Your Microwave Oven

by Page Remick

© Page Remick – All Rights reserved


Why are we still using our microwave ovens in North America? Why do we heat our baby’s formulas, defrost food, ‘zap’ fast food and ‘nuke’ our cold coffee? Convenience!

If anything will keep you from reading this whole article and then throwing your microwave out, it will be your personal addiction to convenience. I’m afraid though, that your addiction could be making you sick, tired…even slowly killing you.

Here are seventeen scientifically proven test results that have been hidden or repressed over the years:

  1. Microwaving milk and cereal grains can convert amino acids into carcinogens.

  2. Microwaving meats can create well-know carcinogen, plus a degradation of nucleo-proteins.

  3. The minerals in vegetables can be changed into cancerous free radicals when cooked in a microwave.

  4. Thawing frozen fruits in a microwave oven can create carcinogenic substances.

  5. Exposure to microwaves causes a 60-90% decreased food value

  6. Male and female hormone production may be altered by the continual eating of microwaved foods.

  7. In testing the blood of people who ate microwaved foods, a decrease in red blood cells was found. Red blood cells are the principal means of delivering oxygen from the lungs to body tissues via the blood.

  8. In testing the blood of people who ate microwaved foods, an increase in white blood cells was found. This is a sign of poisoning and cell damage.

  9. In testing the blood of people who ate microwaved foods, hemoglobin levels were found to have decreased. If hemoglobin is compromised, it can cause anemia and an eventual wasting of the body.

  10. In testing the blood of individuals who ate microwaved foods, an increase in cholesterol levels was found.

  11. The human body cannot break down the unknown by-products created in foods that have been microwaved.

  12. Cancerous cells were seen to increase in human blood when microwaved foods were eaten.

  13. Microwaves decrease the body’s ability to use nutrients such as B-complex, vitamin C, E and essential minerals found in all foods.

  14. Eating of microwaved foods causes long-term, permanent brain damage by shorting out electrical impulses in the brain causes emotional instability, loss of memory, concentration and a decrease in intelligence.

  15. Those ingesting microwaved foods showed a statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers and growths of tumors.

  16. Microwaving caused chemical alterations in food that affected the lymphatic systems ability to protect itself against cancerous growths.

  17. A long term, cumulative loss of vital energies within human, animals and plants that were located within a 500-meter radius of operational equipment, was found.

Nuking and Shaking

When you microwave a food or liquid, the molecules oscillate five billion times a second! This oscillation and agitation is the friction that creates heat, but it also causes substantial damage to the surrounding molecules: tearing them apart or forcefully deforming them.

The field of gene altering technology uses this weakening of cell membranes by microwaves. Because of the extreme force of microwaves, the cells are actually broken, neutralizing the electrical potential: the very life of cells. Damaged cells are easy for fungi, viruses and other microorganisms to invade. The natural repair mechanism is repressed and the damaged cell produces the poisons of hydrogen peroxide and carbon monoxide.

Pull The Plug!

Solid scientific evidence suggests that heating food by microwave robs food of most vital nutrients as well as changing the molecular structure of foods. Eating microwaved foods creates changes in your blood, cells, brain and immune system: with carcinogenic and cancerous implications. Pull the plug!

Why would you use a machine that does THIS to cook your food?
Watch the video for more:

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