Mercury is a unbelievably toxic substance. A single drop in a large body of water (a lake for example) could deem fish unsafe for human consumption.
In the US, each year, coal-fired plants pour roughly 50 tons of menacing mercury into out air supply. This air- borne toxicity lands on Earth, slithering into our lakes,oceans and rivers causing high contamination of many creatures, including seals, shellfish and whales. The Center for Disease Control believes that many women childbearing age probably have unsafe levels of mercury inside them.
In another report, Environmental Working Group found that babies' blood averaged 200 contaminants in their blood, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and Teflon production chemicals PFOA.
Toxicity comes in many forms. Here's something to sink your teeth into: mercury is in your silver dental fillings. To find out more about mercury fillings, watch this short video.
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