It is thought that well over 70% of all processed foods in the US contain some genetically modified ingredients. This involves transferring genes from a plant into another plant.
GMO ingredients have eaten their way into a multitude of items including: cereals, cooking oils, grain products and frozen dinners. Corn and soybeans make up the largest amount of GMO crops.
What can you do to avoid GMO's? Buy only organic products. They are always produced without pesticides and without modification by man.
Why would anyone want to eat something man-made when our planet is abundant with delicious and nutritious foods of all kinds? They wouldn't. Unless they just don't know.
The only benefit of GMO's is to the bottom line of those who produce something that was never meant to exist. Until definitive, unbiased research is done concerning the health and crop consequences, it just might be better to drive a car with those initials, than to risk eating it.
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