Don’t eat eggs! Stay away from fats and especially real butter! Watch out for sugar and carbs and avoid red meats! Who do we trust, especially when three years later the battle cry has changed to a newly forbidden food and the former culprit is discovered to be nature’s perfect food after all?
Several years ago an acquaintance made a statement that I have never forgotten: “I am going to enjoy real butter, eat artisanal cheese and bread, drink robust wines and consume great steaks …and thoroughly enjoy every mouthful. I may die a week earlier than you, but I will die happy!”
I have come to believe that there is enormous merit in this person’s attitude for a number of reasons.
First is true enjoyment. When was the last time that you allowed yourself to truly enjoy and revel in great food by eating ‘the real thing?’ For example, why do we eat processed margarine instead of real butter? Because we believe the advertising hype that processed ‘fake’ food is better for us than artery-clogging butter! We have so long bought manufacturer’s lies and eaten processed foods that we don’t even know what ‘real’ food tastes like any longer. Buy some ‘real’ butter and put it on ‘real’ bread or fresh vegetables, and you will never want processed oils and chemicals again. That is the easiest way to immediately increase your food enjoyment quotient.
Another way to increase our food enjoyment is taking note of the term ‘nature’s perfect food’. Taste, quality and health benefits of foods all suffer when man and manufacturer’s intervene. Since when do antibiotics and growth hormones taste good? Do fish grow well in ‘farms’ or free? When was the last time that you looked forward to sitting down to a bowl of pesticides and herbicides? How about a sprinkling of dyes and preservatives for eye and mouth appeal? If you keep eating products with ingredient lists that you cannot pronounce, you are not eating ‘food’… you are eating chemicals. Experience real grass-fed beef and free-range poultry and eggs. Revel in wild fish and un-processed cheese and bread made without chemicals and fillers. Dare to TASTE real food that has not been genetically modified, sprayed, irradiated, injected, mutated and processed.
When you allow yourself the undeniable pleasure of eating real food without ad-induced guilt, your food enjoyment quotient will soar! Each mouthful will be 100 times more satisfying, your body will literally be getting more nutrients and receiving less toxins and chemicals, and although you’re enjoying your food so much more, you may actually find yourself eating less. Dare to increase your food enjoyment quotient by consuming real food and you will probably live longer, and certainly happier than most Americans!
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