The benefits of eating raw nuts are many! Just a quarter cup of almonds holds nearly a 25% of your needed daily amount of vital nutrients like, magnesium, potassium, copper and those highly desirable antioxidants, vitamin E, selenium and calcium.
Walnuts are a super source of nutritious omega-3 essential fatty acids! And our personal favorite, cashews, are almost 90% oleic acid, like the 'good' fat in olive oil. Plus, cashews are high in copper, iron, magnesium and zinc among others.
Nuts are also good sources of dietary fiber, magnesium, copper, folic acid, vegetable protein, potassium, and vitamin E, all of have been shown to be vital for heart health. Studies with almonds and walnuts have both shown a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol level.
Ah nuts! We love them and mix our own blend or organic raw nuts and keep them in the refrigerator to snack on. Go nutty! Your health will thank you for it!
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