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The Acid Issue
By: Rebecca Gerard,
Registered Dietitian for Healthy Chef Creations
Are you having difficulty losing weight or managing diseases you may have?
More and more evidence points towards high acidity in the body's tissues as being a contributing force to these challenges. Our kidneys are responsible for a large amount of acid removal from the body by transporting it through the bloodstream. If too much acid is presented to the kidneys on a daily basis a potential bottleneck might occur as the body frantically attempts to dispose of this corrosive waste product. In other words, all systems in the body can become negatively impacted and when an acidic environment becomes chronic, cellular metabolism has become severely compensated.
High acidity in the body has been linked with obesity, cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and weight gain to name a few. Lifestyle factors can definitely affect acidity in the body. For example, high levels of stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, preservatives in food, a diet high in animal products and processed fats release high levels of acid in the body.
If these practices occur on a daily basis, the kidneys become overwhelmed. I recommend living a lifestyle that creates a neutral to slightly alkaline environment to prevent obesity and disease. Try consuming more of an alkaline diet: large portion of fresh fruits and vegetables, small portions of meat (maybe 3-4 oz/meal), alkaline water, and practicing good stress management (prayer, listening to classical music, meditation, etc). The Healthy Chef Creations provides meals that are high in plant based foods, portion controlled for animal foods, and they take the stress out of food shopping or cooking. There are also no preservatives so you can feel good about "digging in".
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