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Yoga Mat Spray Khushi Spa
The other day at yoga class, a friend pulled out a small container and began to gently spray her mat. I asked what it was, she said it’s “Yoga Mat Spray”.
I had never heard of such a product. She reasoned that when one consistently works out, perspiration and unwanted germs can easily accumulate on your mat, making it cause for concern. You can use it before or after the session…all with a quick spritz!
The powerful ingredients are: purified water, essential oils of tea tree and lavender. So simple, so effective! I think it’s a foregone conclusion, yoga mats sometimes have an air about them, taking on their own distinctive stand alone personality.
That 4 oz spray bottle, would tuck right into my yoga bag, or fit nicely into a gym bag or purse, I thought. I though of how handy it would be to pull out and also spritz not so clean public places, my hands…and to even wipe down and freshen the steering wheel in my car….. My thoughts wandered with the multitude of possibilities.
She handed me the handy 4-ounce spray top bottle. I took aim at my long ignored yoga mat, pressing the tip of the sprayer gently, hearing the ‘pfff, pfff’ sound it makes, while enjoying the fresh fragrance that it emitted.
The tea tree oil comes through, clean and crisp, followed by a fragrant breath of lavender: what an ideal combination! As tea tree is anti fungal and anti bacterial, it is the perfect and yet natural ingredient to fight the germs and odors that most surely start inhabiting yoga mats. The lavender is soothing and meditative: perfect for before or after yoga.
By now more members of the yoga class… including the instructor, were spritzing their tired mats, all experiencing the healthful, aromatic benefits of this superb mat spray.
Now, my only decision was, do I spray my mat before or after the yoga session? I think I’d feel better doing both and so will those near me.
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