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The Naturally Clean Home: 101 Safe and Easy Herbal Formulas for Non-Toxic Cleansers
by Karyn Siegel-Maier
Readers will learn how to use the antiseptic and antiviral properties of herbs and essential oils in safer, more economical alternatives to commercial cleaning products. Recipes include laundry and dishwashing detergent; bathroom cleaners; wood, glass, and metal cleaners; air and carpet fresheners; car and pet care products; and insect repellents.
Save money...Save your health...Save the planet...With natural cleaning power!
Did you know that the air in your home might have chemical contamination levels 70 times greater than outdoor air? And the culprits are lurking right under your kitchen sink. It's time to clean up your act!
Learn how easy it is to make your own safe, nontoxic, effective alternatives to commercial cleaning products by combining the antibacterial and antiseptic properties of herbs and essential oils with other natural ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, borax, and lemon juice. The Naturally Clean Home includes tips and formulas for freshening every room in the house:
Wash the dishes with eucalyptus
Restore the rug with rosemary
Soften fabrics with lemon
Clean the oven with orange
Scrub the sink with lavender
Polish wood with raspberry leaves
Flush the toilet clean with tea tree oil
Wax the car with beeswax
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