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Hard to Swallow: The Truth about Food Additives
by Doris Sarjeant
Irradiated and genetically manipulated foods are already appearing unlabeled in your supermarket. Thousands of untested additives, many of which are banned throughout Europe, are present in the foods you eat every day. But you will never know which toxins and chemicals you are eating if you trust food labels to tell the whole story.
Hard to Swallow: The Truth About Food Additives does tell the whole story. This up-to-date guide contains an alphabetical listing of nearly 300 chemical additives that repeatedly appear in the Standard American Diet. The authors explain the health and environmental dangers of genetic engineering and other modern methods of production that adulterate the foods we eat every day. The book is not just a critique of the current state of affairs; it offers constructive solutions for consumers who want to halt the alarming trends in farming (genetic engineering, pesticides, insecticides) and food production (irradiation) by rolling up their sleeves and demanding changes be made to our food and labeling laws. The authors' aim is an enlightened citizenry where every one of us can make truly informed consumer decisions.
Do you really know what you are eating? Safe and nutritious food should be the right of each and every one of us - not a privilege. If labeling laws were written for the protection of the consumer - and not to aid the food manufacturers, you would already know that genetically engineered foods and irradiated foods are for sale in your supermarket. Our health officials, however, seem to be working less in the interest of the consumer and more in favor of the large corporate manufacturers when it comes to legislating adequate food labeling laws. We have a right to know the truth about the effects on our bodies caused by foods processed with chemical food additives, irradiation and gene manipulation.
Nevertheless, the average person can consume hundreds of chemicals a day without knowing it. Even the most alert label-reader will have no idea of the scores of additives that the government permits in foods but which are not required to be listed on product labels. Hard to Swallow: The Truth About Food Additives is a wake-up call to the shocking state of our food laws and is a primer for those who want to know why the food supply is genetically manipulated, bombarded with radiation and laced with additives.
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