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How to Get Your Lawn and Garden Off Drugs: A Basic Guide to Pesticide-Free Gardening in North America-Revised
by Carole Rubin, Robert Bateman
Chemical pesticides were first formulated during the Second World War as agents of chemical warfare. Since then, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and other toxic agents have been developed for use in agriculture and home gardening to kill unwanted weeds, insects and diseases.
Today we are looking for ways to clean these agrichemicals from our water, fisheries, wildlife species, soils - and our bodies.
How to Get Your Lawn and Garden Off Drugs is all you need to take that important first step. This inspiring guide covers all regions of North America, and demonstrates how lawns and gardens can flourish by replacing synthetic chemicals with balanced organic alternatives. It contains clear instructions on how to properly choose, feed, water, aerate and cut your lawn and garden plants, plus a glossary and an updated list of organic suppliers.
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