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Daily Soup Cookbook
by Leslie Kaul, Bob Spiegel, Peter Siegel, Carla Ruben and Robin Vitetta-Miller
I craved Daily Soup concoctions in NYC, although they were pricey. Alas, this summer, The Daily Soup closed its retail locations and sold its name to another company. But at least we are left with their bible, the book of soup recipes.
Definitely a keepsake. Some say there are four basic soup categories: broth, clear, pureed, and thick. The Daily Soup broke these rules of combined the categories. Therefore, the books chapters are grouped into vegetable, corn, tomato, rice, bean, chili, lentil/pea, cheese, and coconut to name a few. The book includes recipes and stories, as well as recommendations of films and music to watch and listen to as your cook and eat.
The standouts SOUPS are; a diary free, low fat Borscht, Jamaican Pumpkin, Roasted Eggplant Parmesan, Yucatan Chicken Lime, Wild Mushroom barley, Chicken Matzoh Ball (sinker balls), Mexican Tortilla soup, Mexican Posole, Poblano corn chowder, New Zealand Sweet Potato chowder, Cuban black bean, Chili Con Carne, Cincinnati Chili (ala skyline), 4 bean veg chili, Indian black chili, Moroccan lamb stew, Indian yellow split pea soup, Senegalese with peanut soup, veg gumbo, and watermelon with chicken. My faves are Mulligatawny, Mulligatawny with lentils, and Tuscan multibean. The book also includes their Periodic Table of Soup Types, and nine recipes for veg, chicken, and fish based soup stocks Larry Mark
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