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Clean & Green
by Annie Berthold-Bond
A glossy soft cover, this 8x5-inch book has 133 pages of ‘recipes’ for cleaning just about anything, and with only using safe and non-toxic products. I know that 133 pages can sound overwhelming, but it actually turns out to be simple. The book is broken down into categories:
All-purpose household cleaners
Scouring powders and soft scrubs
Air fresheners and odor removal
The kitchen (dishes, dishwashers, garbage disposal, drain and septic cleaners)
Glass cleaners
Ovens and appliances
Cleaning metal (aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, chrome, gold iron, pewter, pots and pans, silver, stainless steel, all-purpose metal cleaners)
The bathroom (tub and tile cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, faucets, fixtures, shower curtains)
Carpet cleaning
Walls and wallpaper
Laundry (laundry soaps, stain removers, presoaks, bleach, water softeners, mold and mildew, starch)
Stains and tough jobs
Cars (cleaning, chrome, waxing, rust protection)
Fruits and vegetables
Resources and more!
In each category you have a selection of ‘recipes’ and it’s easy to take a highlighter and pick the one that you like the sound of. I picked one recipe in just the categories that I need. Now here is the amazing thing! The ingredients for all the recipes are readily available, non-toxic and inexpensive, naturally occurring substances like borax, which have been used for centuries for cleaning. The major manufacturers took the old ‘recipes’ and made chemical versions of them! So, don’t think that you can’t make your own cleaners.
You can, and they will work just as well, if not better than the expensive, brightly packaged version on the grocery store shelf. The book even tells you how to prettily package your own and how to add your own custom fragrance! As if that is not enough, you even get to pick your car wax recipe! Yes, you too Martha can make your own furniture, floor and car waxes…easily! Complete with resources and so much more information, this book is for anyone that has a few moments to mix their own simple, inexpensive but effective ‘custom cleaners.’ For the faint of heart, some of the recipes are just one ingredient, like cornstarch!
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