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Battling the MSG Myth
by Debby Anglesey
Author, Debby Anglesey, has researched and written a book that addresses the connection of glutamate (MSG) to the dramatic rise in health problems such as ADD, headaches, depression, obesity, stomach problems, and neurological disorders. Describing her own past health condition as being "one foot in the grave", she shares her remarkable journey from despair to reclaimed health. When her 19 year old son's health suddenly spiraled downward, Debby went into first gear and discovered the hidden culprit lurking in the majority of the items we eat today from snack foods to vitamins.
Today, she devotes much of her time answering e-mail, letters, and phone calls regarding MSG, and has helped hundreds of fellow victims of this growing health crisis.
Debby Anglesey and her husband, Mike, live in Washington state and have two daughters and two sons and six grandchildren. She wrote her book to help her family and friends, never dreaming how many people it would eventually reach. The 20th century gave us much in terms of new technologies. However, we are now reaping the results of the massive amounts of chemicals that infest our water, air, soil, and food. Our bodies are not equipped to handle such an assault. MSG is one of the most dangerous factory created substances added to and sometimes hidden in much of our processed foods. Yet, unlike smokers who choose whether to light that first cigarette, most of us don't have a choice regarding hidden sources of MSG in our foods.
In 1999, after an article about Debby and the work she does as a consumer advocate appeared in the local newspaper, Debby and Mike were invited to be interviewed for the local evening news program. The three minute segment spurred invitations to speak to local groups and a book signing and discussion at Barnes & Noble. When the newspaper article and photo were picked up by the Associated Press, calls and e-mail from people around the country trying to order the book began to pour in. When a letter that she wrote to Family Circle Magazine regarding MSG and migraine was published in the June 22nd, 1999 issue, the NoMSG hotline, whose number was included, received over 600 calls in two weeks. Many individuals were calling to send Debby thanks for helping them find the trigger that their doctors never mentioned before. The calls were both heart-warming and heart-breaking as people shared their nightmare experiences of years of pain and illness due to MSG. In December, Debby was invited to be interviewed on Seattle's KOMO talk radio. Never one to enjoy public speaking, Debby has found herself pushed to share what she has discovered: That MSG is a terrible health menace, that lobby groups for the food and glutamate industries have lulled us (including doctors and the FDA) into a false sense of safety, and that good health can be reclaimed with excitotoxin elimination.
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