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How To Beat The Bird Flu
Mike Adams
It’s high time that Americans stopped believing that flu shots, hospitals, vaccines and the government can or will come to our aid if there is a health emergency of any proportion. We have been brainwashed in essence by the belief that antibiotics, vaccines and the health care system can take us from cradle to grave without any crisis. Get a shot: be safe. Get a prescription: be safe. No longer do we take responsibility for ourselves. No longer do we have the wisdom of the ages which not only encouraged preparedness, but we no longer know how to use plants, tinctures, foods, herbs and all of their potent antiviral qualities to protect us, naturally.
This book is not about scare tactics or playing on your fears, but is a guide to how simply each one of us can guard and protect our health if there is a pandemic such as the bird flu. Whether or not you believe bird flu could ravage the health of millions worldwide or not, this book is timely in explaining simply and clearly how to keep your immune system so high that most flu or cold viruses could never take hold in your body.
If you want to know the basics of what millions of people have known for generations about the protective qualities of some foods and plants, then get this book. If you want to know what to expect in a pandemic and how to prepare in advance for a possible disaster, then get this book.
Not written in an inflammatory manner, this book discusses such things as:
How flu shots can actually weaken your immune system
Why antibiotics won’t stop the flu and how they compromise your immunity
Why a vaccine will not save you
How to make your immune system super strong, naturally
The six things to avoid to bolster your immune system
The top antiviral foods and herbs
The top antiviral vitamins and minerals
The top antiviral products
Why you cannot depend on the government to rescue you in a health crisis
How you can prepare in advance to stay healthy
Tips for avoiding infection
What to buy for health, immunity and preparedness and how to store it and use it
How to grow your own medicine and how to use it
A preparedness checklist
Our forefathers used to be able to walk into their garden or a field and know what to pick to keep their immune systems strong. They knew what plants and herbs could kill a virus and keep them well. We know how to take a pill and get a shot.
This book is here to tell you that you can build up your immune system so that you hardly ever get sick…and in case of a pandemic, you can protect yourself and those you love through simple, advanced preparation. Rather than getting a pill or a shot, get this book and learn the simple, inexpensive and centuries old, proven ways of staying healthy, naturally.
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