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Let’s Go For A Walk Biscuit Tins Robbie Dawg
You want to train your dog but really, the crumbs in your pant and coat’s pockets are weighing you down. Treats in plastic bags get crushed and frankly, it’s embarrassing to your dog that you don’t look a little more stylish.
To the rescue! Miniature treats in 4-ounce tins that slip in and out of pockets or packs, keep treats from crushing and making you look oh so hip!
Now don’t think that bright design ideas mean all the attention was on design. Au contraire! The ingredients are just as incredible as the concept. Only organic, human-grade ingredients are used in these training and treating mini-bites. Freshly baked everyday and without fillers, chemicals, dyes, preservatives, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, or additives, these nibbles could be as easily popped into your mouth as your dogs!
In three flavors, your dog will be grateful for: Cheddar and Bacon Biscuits, Beef Barley Biscuits and Turkey Sausage and Romano Cheese, you need to know that the meat is hormone-free, antibiotic free as well as free-range. Other ingredients are completely organic such as carrots, barley, free-range and natural beef or chicken stock, buckwheat flour, cheddar cheese, garlic and other goodies.
As great as the tin and the ingredients are, the owner and her dog thought of one more thing! Refills! A package is available in each flavor that will refill your terrific-looking tin twice! Now that’s savvy, and money saving as well. And don’t forget that these jump for joy flavors are also available in 8-ounce packages, and even BIG size bones!
This dog and his owner really have great ideas as well as ingredients. Pull out a great-looking tin instead of a plastic baggie with crumbs in it…and get your dog’s attention quickly when you shake it. The sound will bring them running right back to you. Can’t do that with a plastic baggy, huh? This whole concept is Pure Zing, and you’re dog won’t have to be embarrassed by you any longer.
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