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All Purpose Hose Filter EcoOne
We want it to be very clear just how many ways that you will benefit from this incredible hose filter so we are going to put the list in bullet form so you can easily see just how valuable and versatile it is!
Wash your pets in pesticide and chlorine-free water
Give your outdoor pets really clean, healthy water to drink
Fill fish tanks with this water and eliminate many problems
Fill koi ponds with this water and have healthier fish
Lessen the need for spa and pool chemicals when this water is used to fill them
Water all your organic vegetables with toxin-free water
Improve your lawn and flowers by watering them with filtered water
Help eliminate mineral water-spotting on cars and campers when you wash with filtered water
Take this filter with you to campgrounds when you are unsure of the water source
Even if you have a filter on your house water, most likely, it is not on your outdoor faucets. Some outdoor faucets are linked to sources of water where lawn chemicals and pesticides and herbicides leach into it. Too many outdoor water sources are filled with chlorine, lead, arsenic, mercury, DDT, fluoride, dissolved metals, harsh minerals, hydrogen sulfide (the rotten egg smell) and volatile organic contaminants.
This 10-inch long filter fits onto your hose and filters between 8,000 and 40,000 gallons of water and makes a difference in the health and looks of whatever you water. If your outdoor water contains arsenic and mercury, why would you water your organic produce with those toxins? They will absorb what you give them: and so will your body when you eat that produce.
Pools, ponds and spas, when filled with filtered water do not need so many chemicals to ‘kill’ the bacteria. The water is softer, healthier and chlorine-free right from the start. Isn’t this what you want to fill your child’s wading pool with?
Pets benefit, just like we do from clean water: their coats will be softer and shinier and they will have less health problems. If you have every used water that has the chlorine filtered out of it and seen how much shinier your hair, and how much softer your skin is, you will want that benefit for your pets too! Don’t forget that they can absorb and breath in deadly chlorine vapors too.
Our team has been watering plants, washing cars and filling spas with water filtered by this hose filter. The plants are literally doing better, there are no mineral water spots on anyone’s cars, and the spa water is reported as being silky and soft without chemicals. Our test dog Snorki gets a bath in this water and his coat is shiny and soft.
It may not seem like much, but just like the chemicals and additives that we eat contribute to ill-health, so does water that is filled with contaminants. Just because it’s an outside faucet doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect many things. Think about how much and how often you reach for your hose…and then think of how much cleaner the water could be: easily and just for pennies. Our team thinks this is a breakthrough product that has so many health and environmental benefits that it should be a part of every house, always.
Easy to install, easy to remove, store or take with you, this is a work-horse of a filter that you will not want to be without.
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