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All-Natural Septic System Maintenance Drainbo
One of our team member’s family owns a ‘camp’ in the woods of Maine that had a small septic tank, with gigantic odiferous problems. This home away from home always seemed to have a corner on manufacturing offensive odors. Maybe that’s why his family members called it ‘Camp Stench’. No one had ever treated it: it was just a camp.
Recently, he stayed for two weeks at this family outpost. Almost immediately he encountered plumbing issues and extremely foul odors. First he called the septic system company. They checked it and said it just needed to be used more often. Also several small rodents had managed to meet their demise in this black lagoon.
The PureZing team member was quite frustrated and called his cousin to help decipher the mystery of the constant unpleasant odors. The boys did some investigating. The leach system was outdated and was bound by roots. Since it was fairly easy to access, the cousin said he could add some new “leach-lines” which would help drainage enormously. But the odors were another story.
The cousin recommended an all-natural product that utilizes microorganisms to penetrate and consume household products, like grease, detergents and obviously, biological waste.
He said it was his favorite as it had a pleasant scent and wouldn't burn holes in your clothes if you spilled some on your overalls. Besides, he knew it worked.
At the store, the clerk stated this natural non-toxic product is designed specifically to fight septic problems and yet was environmentally friendly with a money back guarantee.
Our team member went back and added the prescribed amount to the toilet, flushed a few times and waited. A few hours later the intensity of the odors began to dissipate. A day later, the tell-tale odors were completely gone.
It may sound strange, but our team member learned that just like your intestines need friendly bacteria to function correctly, so do septic systems. That is the reasoning behind this non-toxic, 100% safe septic system cleaner and how this one in particular sets up a natural “balance” of microorganisms in septic tanks. All you do is add the tank treatment once a week for eight weeks, then move to monthly applications.
This all-natural, high quality product treatment is 100% environmentally safe and naturally eliminates those offensive persistent odors. In an easy to handle ½ gallon plastic container, this lemon-scented treatment is easy to use on a regular basis for peace of mind and fresh smelling surroundings: no more septic issues, no more spoiled vacations. We hear they are even going to change the camp’s name!
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