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Simple Bathroom Cleaner Seaside Naturals
One of our team members has a pet peeve. She has been looking for a product that will clean her sink without scrubbing. All she wants to do is to be able to spray, whistle a merry tune…and then wipe it out with a cloth or a paper towel. Her dream was in vain until now. This is her new favorite product! Spritz, whistle and wipe - and the bathroom sink is clean of soap scum, toothpaste, makeup, hairspray…anything that wants to stick and make you grumble and scrub!
As some of us have been ultra busy lately, some of the finer things in life have been left undone: like polishing bathroom faucets and getting all the gunk from around them. We spritzed, some of us sang instead of whistled…and we wiped it all away, and very easily!
There is nothing caustic, irritating, or fumy about this formula. With just filtered water, vinegar, borax, a blend of pure essential oils, alcohol (from grain), polysorbate 20 (derived from sorbitol found in berries and fruits) and a vegetable-based surfactant, you know that it is non-toxic, pet, earth and kid friendly.
Shower walls and bathtubs gleam and all with very little effort. Toilets look and smell fresh. The fragrance is very light and lemony, but if you prefer no fragrance at all, an unscented version is available.
Everyone agreed that this product works…even if you sing instead of whistle.
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