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Sweet Source Glycemic Level
The health benefits of this all-natural sweetener are so impressive that we are going to list them right up front and clearly:
Low Glycemic
Aids Weight Loss
High in Soluble Fiber
Sugar Free
Low Calorie
Fights Dental Caries
Promotes ‘Friendly Flora’
Helps Intestinal Mineral Absorption
Does not promote Candida
Reduces ‘Bad’ Cholesterol
Mixes Instantly
Sugar Substitute
No Chemical Additives
Aids Digestion
Aids Immune Function
This 100% natural, vegetarian and kosher sweetener does not contain the herb Stevia, or any artificial sweeteners like Sucralose (Splenda) or Aspartame (NutraSweet), which are chemically altered. This product is completely plant based fibers and sweeteners: isomalto-oligosaccharides, acacia fiber, chicory root, Xylitol, Lo Han extract, citrus bioflavonoid and silica.
The proportion of sweetness is one teaspoon of Sweet Source is equal to one teaspoon of sugar. You can cook with this product as it is not heat affected, but you cannot use it with anything that contains yeast, as it kills yeast! Spoon it or sprinkle it just like sugar: you can’t tell the difference in taste.
There were 42 pages of studies from labs and universities all over the world, and the above bullet list of impressive attributes has all been proven. For anyone with diabetes, or with Syndrome X, this chemical-free sweetener that regulates blood sugar is amazing! Add in that it contains lots of fiber, which is terrific for your digestion and mineral absorption, and that it fights cavities… and this could be considered a health food!
Ever since we found out about this great product, we have been trying it out in as many ways as we could think of: in cold and hot drinks, in recipes, on fruit salads and on hot or cold cereals. Other than the texture, which is a cream colored powder; this is identical to sugar in that it sweetens without any aftertaste or bitterness.
Some of us at PureZing think that it is sweet, but not as cloyingly sweet as sugar can sometimes be. It seems to satisfy your sweet tooth, without your having to use as much. Is it light in weight, does not clump or attract ants, and is in a 6-inch tall plastic container with a double-sided lid: one side you can pour from and on the other side you can insert a spoon.
We’ve been reaching for this for weeks now, reading about the incredible benefits, and are thrilled with the taste and everything about it. If you like sweet - but not fake, dangerous and calorie ridden; then you’ll love this all-natural sweetener as much as all of us do.
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