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Smart Immuno-Viva
They say that the incidence of Alzheimer’s will double over the next decade. I don’t know who ‘they’ are, but its Purely Zingy to beat statistics instead of becoming one! Now, we are not going to say that this will beat Alzheimer’s, but we like the idea that this formula could keep you sharper for longer than not taking anything at all.
There are two main ingredients and each is in a concentrated format to deliver the most results. The first ingredient is cold pressed blueberry seed flour and the next is cold pressed grape seed flour. Each is extremely high in antioxidants which protect brain cells. The blueberry seed also supports neural health, promotes a healthy metabolism and regulates cholesterol while the grape seed flour is being investigated due to its plaque minimizing properties. The other two ingredients are gelatin and water.
Free radical scavenging is a very important job for antioxidants as that is what protects cells, keeping them young and healthy, and decreases oxidative stress. If you believe that toxins, free radicals, pollution, age, chemicals, pesticides etc. could be detrimental to your brain, then adding in a super high antioxidant rich supplement could be the smart thing to do.
Get Smart. Not the movie…the supplement. If you would like to stay smart, get Smart.
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