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Clear Shingles, Herpes and UTI’s Clear Products
The statistics are incredible on the number of people who have shingles, herpes or urinary tract infections:
20% of the population has genital herpes
90% of the population has oral herpes/cold sores
10% of adults (mostly over age 50) get shingles
9.6 million doctor visits per year are caused by urinary tract infections
As you can see, you are not alone if you experience the pain of any of the infections mentioned above. Even one of the PureZing testers gets cold sores and recently experienced an outbreak on which she could test this formulation.
Normally this tester gets cold sores that develop into almost golf ball sized infections, taking weeks to heal and being extremely painful during the whole process. At the first sign of the tell-tale ‘tingling senstation’ that is the hallmark of an imminent breakout, she took the prescribed dose of 2 capsules, three times a day. It was amazing to all of us that only the tiniest outbreak occurred and the duration of the infection only lasted about a week. There was minimal pain and it appeared that the blister barely had time to form before it was disappearing and healing.
Our tester reported no side effects and was thrilled that her outbreak was so minor and easy to heal. As the ingredients have strong antiviral, antibacterial, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal effects, it would be easy to see how this product could address the shingles and urinary tract infections as well. In the UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) area, this formulation addresses vaginal infections, yeast infections, acute cystitis and urethritis.
The ingredients in this formulation are all natural Chinese herbs that have been screened for herbicides, pesticides and any harmful substances. The active homeopathic Ingrediants are: Arsenicum Album 6x, Clematix 6x, Iris Versicolor 6x, Nitric Acid 6x, Ranunculus Bulbosus 6x, and the other ingredients are: Gentiana Root, Rehmannia Root, Scutellaria Root, Alismatis Rhizome, Gardenia Fruit, Plantanginis Seed, Angelica Sinensis Root, Ginger Root, Tangerine Peel, Licorice Root. The bottle contains 60 gel capsules.
The only people that should not be taking this product are pregnant or nursing women or anyone who is on anti-coagulant or anti-platelet therapy. If your stomach is sensitive, take this product with food.
The PureZing tester would take this product again at the first sign of the tingling symptom of a cold sore. We could all see that this really made a difference in her outbreak, and all without chemicals or side effects. We think this is a great product!
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