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My Weekly Detox E.A.R.T.H. Products
Some scrubs are to luxuriate in. Some are to smooth and perfume your body. Others leave moisturizing oils behind on your skin. This scrub does all of that, PLUS it actually helps your body eliminate metabolic waste, encourages new cell growth and tissue regeneration while also encouraging white blood cell production.
This luxurious, essential oil perfumed, moisturizing detox scrub should be used once a week for lymph, skin and organ health. While detoxing may not sound sexy, imagine being able to achieve all the health benefits of a detox while pampering yourself with natural fragrances and moisturizing oils. What an achievement! What a scrub!
Now this is really a scrub that we can get into…and we mean that not only do we adore its texture, ingredients and fragrance, but we really admire its wide-mouth ‘stick your whole hand in it’ container. Is there anything more frustrating than trying to get the last granules of scrubs out of corners of tiny jars? Well, maybe the pitiful state of the Union is more frustrating, but you know what we mean. This cobalt blue, plastic jar is squat so that it won’t tip, and its lid opening is huge! You can literally stick your whole hand in and stir the salts and oils and get every last drop of goodness out of the jar.
This 1.5-lb. jar (we love the giant size too!) contains sea salt, sweet almond oil, essential oils of lavender, ginger, lemon, juniper and sandalwood. These oils literally help your lymph system drain toxins; they support your kidneys in toxin removal while increasing your blood circulation and white blood cell production to benefit your organs. Yes, these all natural essential oils are really powerful and in combination with the sea salt, they accomplish quite a lot for your body while you glow, are moisturized and naturally perfumed. Sigh!
The oil-salt combination is perfect: the salt is nice and ‘juicy’ with oil so that it does not drag across your skin. The essential oils are bountiful and beautifully blended for an absolutely heavenly scent. All in all, our various team members emerged from showers and baths feeling terrific…and incredibly pampered. Everyone loved the glow, the feel and the fragrance, plus knowing that they were benefiting their body. WOW!
Why not be good to your body once a week? Why not help it detox to keep you healthy? Now you have no excuse not to detox…not when it’s this luxurious, glorious, fragrant and almost decadent feeling! We really, really LOVE this scrub.
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