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Ancient Mineral Magnesium Bath Flakes LL’s Magnetic Clay, Inc.
It was not too long ago that the subject of magnesium never came up. Now, it seems that it’s value is being discussed everywhere. One source says that besides oxygen, water and food, that magnesium is the most important mineral of all!
Once upon a time we were able to get our daily magnesium requirements from our food. At the turn of the century our grandparents were getting almost 500 mg. per day of magnesium. In 1957 - 1959 we were getting 340-360 mg. per day, and today, we’re lucky if we get 175-225 mg. of magnesium per day. Sad to say but our soil is depleted of it, and therefore anything grown is lacking in this vital nutrient.
How vital is magnesium to our body? Magnesium activates over 300 unique biochemical reactions that our body needs to function properly. If Americans were not magnesium deficient (8 out of 10 of us are deficient in this mineral), the incidence of kidney stones, PMS, miscarriages, strokes, stillbirths, brittle bones, migraines, osteoporosis, insomnia, depression, irregular heartbeat, sudden death heart attacks, fatigue, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, muscle spasms, diabetes, thyroid failure, constipation, asthma and anxiety would be vastly reduced. Magnesium reduces disease, encourages healthy skin tissue (reduces dry skin, eczema and psoriasis), is a cellular protector, aids in detoxification, relieves aches and pains, improves mood and reduces stress.
Not only is our soil depleted of magnesium, but our fast food lifestyle and the consumption of processed foods contributes to our deficiency even more. If you could eat some of the following every day, you might be able to get near your magnesium requirement: Pumpkin seeds, quinoa, spinach, buckwheat flour, pine nuts, bulgur, tuna, peanuts, artichokes, cashews, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, oat bran, brown rice, spirulina or navy beans…but most of us do not eat this well!
So, the only way to get enough magnesium is to supplement with it. While magnesium pills are better than nothing although full absorption of oral magnesium is difficult, it has recently been found that the ideal way to get your daily magnesium (500-700 mg. per day) is through magnesium baths or through directly applying magnesium oil. When applied and absorbed topically, your body will regulate the amount that it aborbs: taking in only what your body needs.
Ninety-nine percent of our magnesium is in our cells, therefore it is impossible to get a true reading of magnesium levels through blood tests. Our skin being our largest organ is really the way to assimilate magnesium and this can be done by soaking in magnesium rich bath salts. Not only does soaking in magnesium rich water help detoxify your body, but it allows for the magnesium to be absorbed directly into your cells. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant so after soaking for 30 or more minutes, you should feel far more relaxed than a normal bath would ever make you feel!
The bath flakes in this large 6.5 lb. container are from the Zechstein Seabed in Europe which is almost 2 miles below the earth’s surface. This ancient seabed is 250 million years old and contains the most pure magnesium flakes known. Every container of Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes has the ‘Genuine Zechstein’ seal on it. To obtain the ultimate benefits of these bath flakes do not have your bath water too hot, use 1-3 cups per bath and soak at least 30 minutes. The supplier recommends rinsing in cool water and then applying a natural moisturizer.
Approximately 47% magnesium by weight, these bath flakes also make a great foot bath! No matter how you get your daily magnesium, be sure and get it! This is one of the easy, pleasant and relaxing ways of getting enough of this vital mineral, and after using it, our whole team enthusiastically says, ‘It’s Pure Zing!’
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