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Daily Diaper Oil

Daily Diaper Oil
Nature's Inventory


Ideally, babies should have as few products used on them as possible in their first six months. Soaps, lotions, shampoos and powders that are purchased from the grocery and even many health food stores have chemicals, harsh ingredients and fragrances that are too strong for a tiny baby’s system. Only a very few essential oils should be used on a baby, and many not until after six months of age. The essential oils in this line of products are very pure and only used in strengths appropriate for a baby. Only the oils that have been proven safe for a baby have been used.

Daily Diaper Oil is a soothing oil that can be used after every diaper change. The grapeseed oil base is an easily absorbed moisturizing oil, which is good for the skin. The essential oils in this blend are Lavender and Chamomile and are of the highest purity. Lavender and Chamomile have healing and skin-calming qualities and are gentle enough for everyday use in this baby-strength product. This oil acts as a healing and soothing moisture barrier on your baby’s skin and can be used to aid in clean up and before putting on a fresh diaper.

The fragrance is extremely light and the oils very diluted for use on a baby. These oils are gentle and pure and contain no dyes, chemicals or harsh ingredients….just pure oils to soothe and protect your baby’s skin.

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